February 11, 2022

Plumbing Emergency Tips

Plumbing Emergency Tips

Essential Tips for Plumbing Emergency

When a plumbing problem arises unexpectedly, it can ruin your day. However, it is critical to act quickly and remain calm. There are plumbing emergency tips that can save you from the disaster.

If you return home and discover several inches of water on your floor, some soggy drywall on the floor, or a leak in your ceiling, then it is critical to take the proper steps.

However, don’t try to take on more than you can handle!

Water damage can escalate quickly, so immediately call an emergency plumber before you read any more. You can call (587) 316-1027 to reach Furnace Repair Calgary.

Now that a local plumber is on their way, we will guide you through what steps to take and things you should not do during your plumbing emergency.

Steps To Take During A Plumbing Emergency 

It can be easy to panic during a plumbing emergency. However, if you can stay calm, it can help minimize the damage to your house. The steps detailed below will help you deal with your plumbing emergency.

Have a phone number on hand for a 24/7 plumbing emergency service to prepare yourself for an inevitable emergency. We also recommend that you keep your plumber’s phone number in your list of contacts so you can easily access it whenever you need it.

The following are plumbing emergency tips that can help you get through this challenging situation:

Shut the water off

When an emergency arises, turn the water source off as soon as possible. For a toilet, it may be as simple as turning off the water valve located behind or on the base of your commode. For flooding or a more extensive emergency, turn off the main valve for your house. Most emergency shutoff valves turn clockwise to shut them off.

Turn your water heater off

During a plumbing emergency, it is a good idea to turn your water heater off to avoid the unit from becoming damaged. After shutting off the main valve, turn the water heater off. Turning it off will prevent the welling up of heat inside the unit, which increases the risk of overheating or bursting. If you own a gas water heater, always turn gas off first.

Open fixtures and drains

Even after you shut the main water valve off, the pipes will still have some water in them. Turning on any outside fixtures will reduce the risk of further damage. Also, squirt your garden hose a couple of times to make sure the hose is clear of any water. If you experience a backup or small clog during this process, open the drain using a plunge. Chemical cleaners should not be used in your pipes during an emergency since they could cause more harm before your plumber gets there.

Address small leaks

If you have identified a small leak, stop it as best as possible. To help make this task easier, have plumber’s tape stored in your toolbox. Moreover, tuck towels and rags around the pipes and place buckets under dripping leaks. Tell the plumbers about these leaks when they arrive.

Call and listen

During an emergency, people frequently forget to contact a plumber. Call right away to minimize the damage as much as possible. The trained plumbing specialist who answers your call can let you know if it is a dangerous situation. When a government official or professional tells you to leave your house during an emergency, it is essential to listen to them. It could save your life.

The tips above can help save your house and get you into the proper mindset to deal with an emergency. The best way to successfully handle any plumbing issue is to prepare yourself beforehand.