March 22, 2023

What to Do When My Furnace Makes Loud Noise When Igniting

furnace makes loud noise when igniting

Furnace Makes Loud Noise When Igniting

If you’ve ever heard a loud noise from your furnace while it is igniting, it can be alarming. Not only is this unpleasant to deal with, but it can also indicate that there may be an issue with your furnace. Although the cause could be minor, getting it checked out as soon as possible is important to prevent any further damage or potential safety hazards.

In this article, we’ll provide tips on what to do when your furnace makes loud noises when igniting and what to consider when looking for a professional repair service.

Causes of Loud Noises From Your Furnace When Igniting

Several common reasons your furnace may be making a loud noise when igniting. It could be due to something as simple as dirty burners, or it could indicate something more severe such as a worn-out heat exchanger or loose components. In either case, getting the issue checked out as soon as possible is important to prevent any further damage or potential safety hazards.

Dirty Burners

Dirty burners can cause a loud noise from your furnace when igniting, making it difficult for the flame to ignite properly. If not addressed, it can result in a popping sound that will become louder and more frequent over time. To determine if dirty burners are causing the issue, take off the top panel of your furnace and look inside the burner chamber. If you see a lot of dirt and debris, you should call a professional to clean them for you.

Worn Out Heat Exchanger

A worn-out heat exchanger can also cause your furnace to make a loud noise when igniting since it may not be able to properly regulate temperatures anymore. It can lead to the building up of too much pressure inside the system, which can cause explosions that result in loud noises coming from your furnace. To determine if this is causing the issue, have a qualified technician inspect your heat exchanger for signs of wear and tear.

Loose Components

Lastly, loose components within your furnace can also cause loud noises when igniting since they trap air pockets that must be released when the flame turns on. It can create an air pressure build-up that forces some of those trapped air pockets outward, resulting in an explosion-like sound from your furnace. To fix this issue, check all screws, bolts, belts, and other components within the system and tighten them if needed.

How To Fix Loud Noises From Your Furnace When Igniting

Loud noises coming from your furnace when igniting can be an alarming situation, and it’s important to get the issue checked out as soon as possible to prevent any further damage or potential safety hazards. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to diagnose and fix the problem.

Determine the Source of the Issue

The first step in fixing loud noises from your furnace when igniting is determining what is causing it. To do this, you’ll need to look into the different components of your system, such as the burners, heat exchangers, and other loose parts. Take off the top panel of your furnace and look inside the burner chamber for signs of dirt and debris to see if dirty burners could be causing the issue.

Also, have a qualified technician inspect your heat exchanger for signs of wear and tear that could indicate a worn-out heat exchanger. Finally, check all screws, bolts, belts, and other components within the system for signs of looseness that may indicate that one or more parts are not properly secured.

Clean The Burners 

The first thing to do is to ensure the burners are clean and free of dirt and debris. Over time, dust and other particles accumulate on the burners, which can cause them to not ignite properly or make loud noises when they do ignite. To clean the burners, turn off the power to your furnace and then use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove any dirt or debris from the burners. You may also need a soft cloth or brush to gently remove stubborn grime from the burners. 

Check The Flame Sensor 

The next step is to check the flame sensor. It is an important component of your furnace as it helps ensure that the fuel burned off burns correctly and safely. If something is wrong with this component, it can cause loud noises when the burner ignites and/or fail to ignite!

To check this component, turn your power off again and locate the flame sensor near the burner assembly. It should look like a metal rod with two wires connecting it to your control board. Using a multimeter, test its continuity. If none are present, you’ll need to replace it with a new one!

Replace The Ignitor 

Another common cause of loud noises when igniting is an old or faulty ignitor (often called a spark plug). This component provides an electrical spark that helps light up the gas coming out of your furnace burner so that it will ignite properly without making too much noise. To replace this, simply unscrew and disconnect the old ignitor from its mountings before installing a new one into place securely. Just ensure you get one compatible with your particular model of furnace! 

Investigate Whether Anything Else Needs Servicing

Once you know where the loud noise comes from when your furnace is igniting, it’s important to investigate whether anything else needs servicing. Other parts may also need repair or replacement if they were damaged by whatever caused them in the first place.

Therefore, it’s best to have an experienced professional look at your entire system just to ensure that nothing else needs attention.

Find Reliable Repair Services

Finally, once you’ve determined what needs repairing or replacing for your furnace to stop making loud noises when igniting, you’ll want to find reliable repair services that can help you with this task.

Make sure to research local companies to ensure they are trustworthy and can provide quality workmanship at an affordable price. You should also ask around for references to get a better sense of what experience others have had with them before making any decisions.


Having a furnace that makes loud noises when igniting can be very stressful, but the good news is that it’s usually something minor that requires a simple fix. Follow the tips outlined in this blog post to troubleshoot and diagnose what may be wrong with your furnace if you’re experiencing a loud noise when it runs. You may not even need to call an HVAC professional. Often, replacing a gas valve or burner assembly will solve the issue.

However, if the problem persists, calling a professional furnace technician is likely the best option to ensure you don’t cause more costly damage later. Everyone deserves reliable warmth in their home during cold winter months, and with proper maintenance, there’s no reason why you can’t have just that. Follow these steps to keep your furnace running smoothly and your family cozy!